Well, our Christmas Eve as not turned out quite as planned. Originally, I had a surgery scheduled today at 9, Moss was not going in to work, and so we were planning on heading out of town for The Woodlands as soon as I got done with work. Maddi did not have a great night last night to start with. She woke up around 10:45 after going to bed at 7:30 and had thrown up. She has had some pretty bad sinus drainage and coughing so I thought maybe the coughing had triggered it because other than that one time she was okay. No fever or anything. However, she didn't get back to sleep until nearly midnight making for a very tired Mommy and Daddy! So I woke up early this morning to get ready for work and got a text from the OR nurse we work with saying our surgery was cancelled. Yipee! Now I could finish packing and we could head out early!
Or so I thought. Maddi woke up coughing and gagging aroung 7. But she settled down after a couple minutes and seemed fine. So we gave her her bottle. My first clue something was wrong should have been when she only drank 2 ounces when she normally drinks 8. But still she seemed fine. She took another 2 ounces about 10 minutes later and that's when it happened. She threw up all over me and her. So at this point our trip was in question. She threw up a couple more times after that. Her and I changed clothes 3 times. But after about 8:30 she seemed fine again. We tried a little more of her bottle around 10 and she seemed to keep it down fine. So around noon we decided to chance it and pack up and head out. We got her in the car and she was exhausted!! It was way past her normal nap time. So we were hoping she would just sleep the majority of the way. She fell asleep before we even got out of the driveway! We got about 20 minutes down the road when she woke up coughing and then vomited...again. So, now what, we thought. We had some towels in the car just in case and I had actually caught most of what she threw up on that. So none was on her or her carseat. We were stuck in a little traffic anyway so I said just keep going and let's see. I know, what a bad mom right? But like I said, she would seem fine in between her little bouts of being sick. But 10 minutes later she threw up again. This time it got all over her and her carseat. I ended up having to get her out and sit her on my lap while we turned around and headed back home. She fell asleep during the 30 minutes trip back.
When we got back she again seemed to have perked back up. We got her in the bath tub right away which I think made her feel a little better. I again had to change clothes as well. She was starving at this point. We let her eat some crackers and rice cereal and she drank a little bit of pedialyte. But we were staying away from the bottle and milk! At 3 I layed her down for a nap. She sputtered and coughed for 30 minutes. I kept thinking she was going to get sick again but she didn't. She finally went to sleep and slept until 5 when we woke her up. I got a much needed nap in as well. We gave her more rice cereal and cereal puffs and pedialyte and she seemed fine. We just put her down for bed and we did give in and give her about 4 ounces of milk in her bottle. As I am typing, I'm listening to her chatter in her bed with coughing fits every now and then. I'm praying she does not get sick again tonight! If all goes well, we will try again tomorrow to head out of town. Although it will stink having to drive on Christmas. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Having a sick baby really stinks and makes for a rotten Christmas Eve.