So, since yesterday was Maddi's official 27th month mark, and since I'm not doing monthly updates anymore, I thought this might be a good time to do a quick rundown of Maddi's recent activities. To start with, OMG, is she talking now! She tells us like it is daily! Some of her favorite phrases (which she obviously has heard from us a few times) are: "Three more minutes!" and "One more time!" These are usually said to stall for bedtime, bath time, brushing her teeth, changing her diaper, etc. She is also very sweet and will now tell us she loves us without us saying it first. Talk about melt your heart! She loves to talk about some of her friends at school, McKenna and Brian. She'll tell me now what she wants to eat if I ask her. That has been a huge help! She is still pretty picky about what she eats but is getting a tiny bit better. Lately, she has picked up on other people calling us by our names, and will go around calling us "Moss and Trisha." She'll come ask me, "Where's Moss?" Or she'll say, "I want on the counter, Trisha." (Which I let her do while I am making her dinner. I watch her very closely! Don't worry!) So, I'll tell her I'm going to call her "Goofy" and she says "No, I'm Maddison Marie!" What a crack up!
She LOVES her dance and swim class and always asks to go. She is doing so good in both of them! The swimming she has been doing for awhile now. But when she first started dance I wasn't too sure it would last. She was all over the place. But now she is doing MUCH better at paying attention and seems to really enjoy it! She even does her little dance steps at home during the week. It is so cute!
The potty training is still stalled out right now. She knows exactly what to do but has no interest in initiating the process on her own. We put her on the potty every morning and tell her go TT and she will. But when you first get her out of bed, she'll tell you "I'm wet." So we tell her we are going TT on the potty and she will whine and say "No, I want changed." Meaning she just wants a diaper change. I try to entice her with wearing "big girl panties" and have even bought her Dora and Elmo panties. She likes to play with them but she says "No wear panties!" So stubborn! However, I think there is hope. She is currently being transitioned to the next room up at preschool. This is the room where they will work on potty training with you more. One day she spent the morning over there and her daily report sheet said she went potty! I was so excited! So maybe once she gets over there full time and she sees other kids it will motivate her. She is so a monkey-see, monkey-do kind of kid!
There is so much more I could tell you I'm sure but that's all I can come up with now! She continues to be more of a joy each and every day and I couldn't imagine life without her now! What a blessing she has been! She lights up my life!
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