
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Man! That snow storm we had was crazy! But it was so neat, too! It's never snowed here from sunup to sundown since I have lived here. It was beautiful! When I went to pick Maddi up on Thursday her teacher told me she saw me drive up and told Maddi her Mommy was here to get her. And Maddi told her, "Me and Mommy are going to play in the snow!" I thought that was so cute that I couldn't help it but to grant her wish! So as soon as we got home we went right outside! She loves being outside no matter what the weather is! She would occasionally stop and pull her arms to her and say, "It's cold!" But when I asked if she wanted to go in she said no and went off to stomp around some more. I couldn't get her to put her hat on and finally got her to put my gloves on (I couldn't find hers) towards the end. What a great time!

I have to say though, she looks so pretty with the little snow flakes in her hair!

Catching snow flakes! She actually took some bites of the snow at one point, but I didn't have my camera ready. It would have been such a cute picture! She told me, "I wanna take a bite." So I told her to go ahead...and she did! Too cute!

This was on Friday. I had to go in for part of the day so Daddy took her out to play in the snow. They actually walked across the neighborhood to the middle school. What a little trooper!

Their pitiful little snowman! Maddi wasn't patient enough though for Daddy to build a big "Frosty."

Maddi and Daddy footprints!

The prettiest sight was all the trees covered in snow! So beautiful!

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