
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bed Head

This is what my child's hair looks like in the morning! Actually, it was a little tamer than usual on this day. I love her hair in the morning! It's so wild! Unfortunately, it is a little too wild to leave down like this during the day. Which is why she always has a pony tail or her hair pulled at least half back. Otherwise, it would be in her face all day. If it falls in her face, she takes both her hands and pushes it out of her face so dramatically. It is the cutest thing! Mainly because it looks like such a grown up movement. You don't see too many 18 month olds worrying about hair in their face like that. Then she usually even gives up on that and walks around with it hanging in her face like a sheep dog until I pull it back. It always makes us laugh!

1 comment:

Summer said...

i just love all of her curls! she looks so grown up with her hair down!!

looks like yall had a great time at the beach. i am glad that yall finally got to go.

oh and i love maddi's dirty butt in the last post. looks like she mopped up every last piece of dirt with her bottom! hope the oxyclean worked. i have been HOOKED on that stuff since you gave it to me at our baby shower. i think that i have gone through about 10 bottles!!