
Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

We almost didn't get any pictures with Moss and Maddi for Father's Day. Our plans were to meet my parents in the Fort Worth Stockyards at Cooper's BBQ. But Moss started to not feel well right before we were about to leave. So sadly, Maddi and I left to go meet Sissi and Bud on our own. But about 20 minutes into our drive, Moss called to say he was actually feeling better all of a sudden, and said he was on his way behind us! Yay!

So, luckily, Maddi was able to spend the day with her wonderful Daddy! Happy Father's Day, Moss! Maddi loves you very much!

I love this picture! We told Maddi to give him a hug so she hugged his face! So cute!

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