
Friday, September 12, 2008

10 Months Old!!

So Maddi is now 10 months old today!! She is continuing to grow so fast and to do more and more things. Her newest fun thing she is doing is waving bye-bye! It's funny though. We really never taught her that. Just one day we were saying bye-bye to her teachers at daycare and she started waving! So not sure where she learned it but she is doing it now! She is also super close to walking! She has really become good at cruising around on the furniture. And just tonight she was trying to take a couple of steps! She leans pretty far forward and falls down quick but she is trying! You can see it on her face! She's ready to take off at any moment! Here are her 10 month pictures I took today!

1 comment:

Summer said...

just precious! i can't believe that she is 10 months old...time flies! are yall still planning on heading down to glaveston??