
Monday, September 29, 2008

More Maddi Walking!

Maddi is walking more and more! She's getting a little better at it but still falls a lot. She is able to go longer stretches without falling. Here's a video of her from this weekend. I am also posting a lot more on our myspace page: I have acquired quite a few video clips of her walking trying to get good ones to post. It takes me awhile to load them so it might be a couple days before they are all up. But I'm working on it. And I am aware that my video skills are not up to par. It is very difficult to try to video and look over the camera at the same time to make sure I'm not going to have to save her from smacking into the coffee table or some other object! I do my best though!


Summer said...

thank you so much. yes i think that it is hard for her to sleep there because of all of the noise and the other babies and if there is something going on, she wants to be a part of it. she will fight going to sleep so bad. i do hope that it gets better, and hopefully before 9 months!!!! i fell like they could do a better job with trying to get her to nap, but i know that they dont really have that much time with all of the other babies. they did hold and snuggle with her today and she slept for a short while, but obviously they cant do that all day. we will see how things go. and hooray for maddi! she is doing so good with the walking. she cracks me up. she kind of looks like frankenstein when she walks....she is too cute!!! you are going to be chasing after her before you know it!

The Heninger Family said...

Way to go Maddi! She is getting the hang of it! I like how she crawls all the way back over to you to pull herself back up and then she's off again!