
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walking Is For Chumps!

I actually took these pictures a couple of weeks ago when my mom came over with Kaily and Sadee. We were hanging out outside and my mom pulled Kaily's scooter out of the back of her truck. Every time Maddi sees it she wants to ride it. But she kept trying to just sit on it and then it made it hard to really push her because her feet would drag. So I tried several times to get her to stand on it and hold on to the handle bars but she just didn't understand. Finally, Moss came home and he stood her on it while I pushed it... and THEN she got it. So I stood her on it and showed her again how to put her hands on the handle bars and we were off. She looked so cute and funny on it because she's so little! She was so serious, too, about riding it. And she did NOT want to quit. Even though Sissi and I were tired and hot! Why should she walk when she can have us push her around on the scooter?

1 comment:

The Heninger Family said...

Yes! That scooter is probably one of the only Christmas presents that Kaily and Peyton still play with!! They LOVE those things! Looks like Maddi is almost ready for one too!