
Thursday, February 26, 2009

15 Month Check-Up

We went to Maddi's check-up today and I'm proud to say that she is doing great both physically and developmentally! She is growing like a weed. My goal had been to have her off the pacifier and bottle and also to be completely off formula and on whole milk by this check-up. So I was very happy that I could tell them "No" to being on the bottle and pacifier and also that she was now on whole milk! Yay Maddi! One of the developmental questions they asked was does she say 3-6 words. We said yes and after the nurse left and we were waiting on the pediatrician, we counted how many she actually says. She is up to 15! What a little over achiever!

I absolutely LOVE her pediatrician! He is so great! But he's kind of different in that at each visit he kind of goes off on his soap box about subjects not really pertaining to their health. Like today, he talked to us about disciplining at this age and how you shouldn't say "no" unless you mean it. Otherwise, they'll learn that even if you say no the first time, if they just keep pushing, you might eventually give in and say "yes." And he gave us tips on going out in public, like the grocery store, and what to do if they throw a fit. That kind of stuff at a doctor's visit just seems kind of odd to me. But I don't mind it. His tips were actually helpful and made sense. But the thing was that Maddi chose that moment to start acting like a total twirp. Maybe it was because she wasn't the center of attention for a moment, I don't know. But she was playing with a toy and kept putting her feet on it, not at all how it is supposed to be played with, and making a lot of racket. And then she wanted me to hold her and kept trying to climb up me with her feet! She never does that! And here he is talking about discipline and saying "no" and all I want to do is say "no!" and to tell her to "stop!" doing what she's doing! I kept my cool though and just kind of ignored her, but she did not make that easy. I'm sure he was thinking she is a spoiled brat. Oh well. Here are her stats from today:

Weight: 23 lbs 10.5 oz
Weight Percentile: 60%

Height: 32 in
Height Percentile: 90%

Head Circumference: 46cm
Head Circumference Percentile: 50%

She got 3 shots today and I have to say that this was the worst she has cried. Usually, she cries right when she gets them but is ok once I pick her up. Not today. She was mad! She only calmed down once they brought out the bubbles! They do the trick every time!

1 comment:

The Heninger Family said...

Aw...poor Maddi. Bubbles to the rescue!